Wednesday, March 31, 2010

La Quatrième Bière/52 Weeks! - Carib Lager

Today's March 31st, making it the 4th week of the 52 week project of my Flickr Beer photo project. Today was such a beautiful day as it is currently sunny and 15C, the PERFECT weather for a light lager on the patio while relaxing with friends.

I was lucky enough for my parents to visit the caribbean island of Grenada a few weeks back and bring me back an assortment of various Caribbean/Grenadan beers. For this week's project, the beer is Carib Lager from Grenada.

As I was saying, the weather is beautiful today, absolute gorgeous! So it was only right to crack open a Carib. Carib Lager is available at almost any beer/liquor store across Canada and beyond. However, here in Manitoba the Manitoba Liquor Commission sells theirs from a Trinidad based brewery. The Carib Lager I am trying out today is from Grenada.

This is a very tropical influenced beer as expected, not anywhere near as skunky as say Corona, but definitely light enough to enjoy while on the beach while tanning or on a patio while hanging out with friends. I'm not a fan of light tasting lagers like this, but either way, light tasting beers have its purpose, like days like today! The Carib is 5.2% alcohol/volume which surprised me (expecting it to be 4.8% or so), so it's higher alcohol % than the average North American domestic, and lighter tasting than most beers with a comparable percentage. Great for a hot summer day on the patio where you want a beer that satisfies the thirst, but not a beer if you want a flavour kick from. The bottle is also smaller than the traditional North American style beers, with having only 275ml of beer (as compared to 330-355ml here).

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