Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Albums I want.. or NEED!!!

Well Christmas time is upon us, and here in Manitoba we got our first "permanent" snowfall of the year today on December 1st, no sight of above 0C weather in site.

So I started doing something, and I'm starting to wonder what albums I need, cuz as much as I love listening to Burton Cummings' "Above the Ground" album, I need to diversify with newer albums.

So I've compiled a list of albums I want.. scratch that, NEED!

  1. We Are Wolves - Invisible Violence. Last Christmas I bought he previous We Are Wolves album and it was one of the best purchases I've done music wise, a mixture of rock, techno and multilingualism. What's not to love? I was never sold on this band until I saw them LIVE... man... man..... man!!!! Wow..
  2. Les Trois Accords - Dans Mon Corps. Les Trois Accords keep trying to discover new styles of music every so often, going from crazy rock that you can sing to while plastered out of your mind, to Prairie style country music. This is a very upbeat dancy sort of album, from what I've heard.
  3. Dan Mangan - Nice Nice Very Nice. Okay, time for an English album. Mangan's a great musician. I saw him perform live here in Brandon and was wowed but he didn't have any more CDs to sell when I wanted a CD. Robots need love too!
  4. Jean Leloup - Mille Excuses Milady. This is a musician I've loved for quite a long time now, but I have yet to buy ANY of his CDs, so it's time I bought a CD of his, well he's a freaking legend in la belle province!
  5. Damien Robitaille - Homme autonome. Robitaille is my absolute favourite hors Québec musician. His songs are upbeat, just plain.. very catchy! His newest album Homme autonome is NO exception it seems (from what I've heard, again!)
  6. Navet Confit - LP3/Papier vampire. I guess as you can tell, most of my list is consisting of Francophone musicians, I guess that's what interests me right now. Confit is another great musician. 
  7. John K Samson - City Route 85. Well this is moreso an EP than an actual album, but nothing wrong with Monsieur Samson! I'll get it one day.
  8. Dumas - Traces. Great musician, bout time he came out with a new album!
Wow that's all I can think of, do you have any other suggestions? I'm very open to anything non-francophone also, I really didn't expect most of my list to end up being French-based. I'm always up for new Canadian music!


  1. Anonymous8:06 am

    Damien's album, I can confirm, is very good indeed. J'aime particulièment Casse tête, On est né nu, and Mot de passe.

    Of course, étant sa soeur, je suis pas vraiment objective :)

    C'est beau de voir que des gens à l'extérieur du Québec l'aime aussi !
