Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pop Shoppe Sodey Pop!

I remember being 5 years old in rural Manitoba, sipping down a nice cold glass bottle Coca Cola, back when glass bottles were standard for all beverages. As laws changed, plastic bottles became the norm for non alcoholic beverages (and now starting to be accepted by alcoholic beverages too). Glass bottle soda is slowly returning to Canada, but I doubt it will ever be as common as it used to be.

One Canadian company that makes their beverages exclusively in glass bottles is The Pop Shoppe, they're a premium soft drink company from Ontario, which traces its roots back almost 40 years.

I have tried a few different varieties of Pop Shoppe's soda, such as Grape, Cola, Root Beer and Orange. Personally, my favourite of the bunch would have to be the grape, I don't know why but it reminds me of being a small child. The Orange beverage reminds me of Crush orange, but slightly sweeter, but doesn't compare to the oldschool Manitoban Orange drink by Pic-a-Pop from the late 80s. I enjoyed the root beer, but it has a slight bitter aftertaste, and the Cola.. ah the Cola. The Cola was very decent compared to the alternatives, but it just needs to be sweeter. All in all, all of their beverages give a nice sweet taste, with close to no longterm aftertaste (compared to most other beverages out there).

I recommend checking out Pop Shoppe's soda if you can find it, it's available at places like Zellers and 7-Eleven. The nostalgia factor alone makes you stop what you're doing and enjoy the awesomeness!

I just wish glass bottle drinks were still the norm... mmm! Oh... and all Pop Shoppe soda bottles are 355ml, the glass bottles Coca Cola uses are only 237ml!!!! That's enough for a small child, but for someone who wants a refreshing Coke.. thats nowhere near enough!


Edit: P.S: Apparently the Pop Shoppe is starting to sell their beverages in STUBBY bottles now!


  1. Anonymous4:49 pm

    too bad the website isnt selling the soda anywhere on the site .. nor any info on where to get it .. doesnt make sense

  2. I fully agree, there's certainly a niche that would buy it up. Even Jones Soda does it!
