Wednesday, February 02, 2011

camaraderie //29 mots sous la pluie

Bienvenue tout le monde, welcome everyone! I've started a bit of a Flickr project titled « 29 mots sous la pluie. » Which, in English translates to "29 words in the rain." It's a project that brings together my feelings and thoughts together with photos. For 29 days I'll be doing un mot (one word) per day.

Why 29 mots sous la pluie? February is generally the most depressing month of the year for me. While it is the shortest month of the year, it also feels like the longest, as well as the coldest - and in some years - the most depressing. The phrase is an oxymoron for living in Manitoba as it's always a cold, gloomy windchill packed month.

For 29 days I'll be choosing one word en français to describe the mood.

Le mot ce jour - camaraderie - j'ai choisi ce mot parce que quand j'ai vu des bières de Chambly d'Unibroue, c'est comme une famille. Seule, c'est une bière delicieuse, mais ensemble, c'est une histoire. I chose the word because when I look at these Chambly beers by Unibroue, it's like a family. Alone, the beer's delicious but together it's like a story.

For more:

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