Friday, January 08, 2010

Dear Futureshop

If you are going to list something as a featured product on your Website for the big "Boxing Week Sale", make sure it's a product that's not a PIECE OF SHIT! I bought your Duracell 6-in-1 memory card reader for $9.99, it seemed like a good deal as my old SD card reader no longer worked 90% of the time. I obviously thought it was going to be a decent product. It was much worse than my old card reader. First of all, it's hard to insert the card and remove the card from the slot... Fair enough. But it has a tendency to randomly disconnect for no reason what-so-ever. If my phone vibrates, which it just did, the card randomly disconnects itself from the computer. Why? Why would it do that. The sudden move from anything near it makes it disconnect. Just TOUCHING the reader makes it disconnect. Also, if you're going to sell a card reader, make sure it's build to stand someone's pocket, since many people will be using the reader to transfer documents to-and-from school or whatnot. The reader literally fell apart, exposing only its USB connector and a microchip. That must not be good for the reader?

Now you're selling this reader for $15, first of all, it's not worth the $15, it's not even worth $10. The memory card reader I got from you before was included FREE with a $15 8GB SDHC card I bought from you a year and half ago, it worked much better in the year and half I've had it, than this Duracell card reader has in the day and half I've used it.

I feel like throwing it against a wall. Thank you Futureshop, for selling junk and advertising it as quality products.

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