I haven`t been here at all for the last month or so, since I`m still in Quebec, although I will be returning home on the 5th. So far I`ve had lots of fun here, although oddly enough the only people who I have enjoyed talking to are American.
The support for the Conservative Party is declining over the war in the Middle East between Lebanon and Israel. Support has in some points gotten to the point where the Liberal Party support is starting to slowly return to pre-election stats. The Liberal Party seems to slowly regaining support in Quebec to the point that the Liberals have just about more support than the Conservatives do in the region. In Ontario, the Liberals have 42% support, versus 33% with the Tories.
Link: Click Here
From what it looks like, I don`t expect an election for quite a while from this, although we almost ended up with a call for another election back in June over Rona Ambrose`s job as Environment Minister. The only way Liberal support can suffer right now is if the Conservatives are able to take control of the Middle East situation to make it seem as if both sides are being supported, and if one of the 100 Liberal MPs makes outrageous dumbass remarks towards the Conservative Party again, ie `Stephen Harper eats babies`, although I don`t think it will happen. What the Liberals need to do is elect a leader who is competant, who can represent all of Canada, and sadly, someone who is from Quebec, as much as some people are tired of Quebec-based leaders, the next federal election will depend on Quebec, so French fluency is a requirement, although from what it looks like, Ignatieff will probably end up winning, if not Ignatieff, probably Volpe... which is pretty bizarre, there are much better candidates then either.